We will be accepting donations of books & school supplies
throughout the entire 2023-2024 school year!

PAPER: lined paper, copy paper, construction paper, spiral notebooks, composition books, index cards
PENCILS & PENS: blue or black pens, #2 pencils, colored pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, pencil case, colored markers, crayons, highlighters, dry-erase markers
GENERAL SUPPLIES: dry-erase boards, paper clips, 3-ring 2" binders, pocket folders, report covers, stapler, staples, rulers, glue sticks, scissors, tape, tissues, sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer
​BOOKS: New or (lightly) used K-12 textbooks, workbooks, story books, novels, reference books (Atlas, Thesaurus, etc.)
To schedule a donation pick-up, click here:
Pick-Up Areas are limited to P.G. County and D.C. at this time.
For pick-up outside these areas or to schedule pick-up for a large amount of books/school supplies, please send us an email.